Christina Gregoire

Christina Gregoire’s work explores ideas about time, family, and memories. She believes that certain events can affect our subconscious to the point where part of us freezes in that age. When she was 14 years old, there was a monumental shift in her family dynamic. A part of Christina stayed locked in that time.

Analyzing these events years later, there is a buildup of conflict and confusion. Christina views this work as a collaboration between her current self and her younger self.

This image is part of a larger series that uses her own family’s photographs to reflect on family and investigate the multiplicity of family truths . Mixed emotions, thoughts, and altered perceptions come into play with her manipulations of these once idealistic family photographs. This work has given the 14-year-old Christina an opportunity to voice her opinion, allowing her to say: “here look, something is wrong…”



Stephen Gaitan


Jess Halliday