Grayson Crompton

Based in the GTA, Grayson Crompton is an on-location and studio portrait photographer who thrives on creative storytelling. He produces narrative images that explore the bonds between fantasy and reality. His fascination with bold and spirited characters comes from his love of cinema. As this selection of work shows, Grayson’s work ranges from high-contrast black and white to vivid colour.


Man and woman deep in field of reeds, hoisting pistols, and sporting bloodied, mud-covered faces.
Black and white view of male detective in wide-brimmed fedora and trench coat looking down and blowing smoke down past his chest while holding cigarette in his left hand.
Three friends posing at night in front of moss-covered slide at abandoned pool in grungy 1980s-inspired attire.
Black and white portrait of woman with dark, dramatic eye liner looking at camera holding pair of silver, steampunk goggles below her chin.

The Cinematic Storybook, a photobook by Grayson Crompton


Sarah Consoli


Julia Debattista