Mackenzie Traynor

Mackenzie Traynor is a still life photographer with interest in other creative fields. Process-driven, Mackenzie enjoys ideation and narrative development. Her surreal images frequently feature strong colour and heavy post-production work. Inspired by the movie The Wolf House (2018) by Cristobal León and Joaquín Cociña and other short horror claymation films, these images come from multiple series that capture Mackenzie’s love of horror and her appreciation for claymation stop motion.


Clay sculpture of woman lying on table after having baby removed from her body by man standing to her right at end of table.
Clay sculpture of man in foreground with monster lurking behind.
Clay sculpture of girl submerged in water with blood while man looks down at her.
Clay sculpture of girl peeking through door way at two other people fighting.

IV XVII, a book by Mackenzie Traynor


Abby Stuber


Jacob Vandergeer