Yilun Niu

Yilun Niu is a still life photographer based in Toronto, noted for a mysterious and poetic style which he uses to explore the boundary between the real and unreal. He prefers to leave the audience with questions and wants to use the platform of still life to explain some parts of his inner world.

The images in this portfolio are from Yilun’s thesis project, Unnatural Life, which explores not only the contrasts of different textures and colours between different objects, but also presents compositions that suggest the unnaturalness of life. There are always some subtle chemical reactions involved, and they exist between the abstract and the clear.


Black unicorn bust with gold horn sits in red stain on white tablecloth surrounded by flowerless stems taped to table. Orange peel with fake green eye inside it sits in foreground.
White high-heeled shoe sits partially atop white plate with white jelly bean, white balloon, and white egg positioned around it against black background. Soft round, orange glow appears in top left.
Shattered wine glass sits at corner of table atop wrinkled white tablecloth surrounded by Band-Aids, googly eyes, fake pink flower, pearls, and yellow spring against black background.

Myles Nally-Kavanagh


Luca Papini