Daniella Devito

Daniella Devito is a still life and product photographer based in the GTA. Inspired by the intricacy of nature from a young age, Daniella’s photographic style is defined by her particular interest in greenery and florals, as well as her meticulous lighting and minimalistic compositions. She uses warm palettes and vibrant colours to enhance her subjects and evoke a sense of serenity in her images.


Aquamarine necklace hangs off conch shell that sits atop rock. Small green sea urchin shell leans against rock in foreground.
Closeup of underside of soft pink flower with water droplets where petals meet stem.
Pearl necklace drapes over small, faceted wine glass that sits on white table against black backdrop. Small conch shell sits beside glass on table.
Gold and pearl necklace hangs off geode. Large red tulip leans on the left side of geode, while small shell with two pearls rests against its right side.

Laikynn DeBoer


Emily Donahue