Giang Le

Giang Le is a portrait photographer interested in both still and moving images. She focuses on complex lighting in her conceptual storytelling to explore and create a sense of darkness. Painters Salvador Dalí and Francis Bacon, and filmmakers David Lynch and Guillermo del Toro, were early influences on her way of thinking both visually and conceptually. Giang’s narrative explorations are at once humorous and absurd.


Young man in white shirt dips finger into strawberry jam on slice of bread on small round plate on reflective white table against black background.
Harsh light obscures face of seated young blonde woman in white dress and black boots holding chicken costume head. Stack of black chairs sits behind her.
Champagne glass with multicoloured liquid and rotten strawberry sits on table next to metal spoon with spot of ice cream and eggshell debris. Egg with red string coming out of it floats in space above drink. Gradient light illuminates background.
Man in grey suit holds purple ribbon to mouth. Ribbon leads to small box on ground. Yellow spotlight shines on curtain in background illuminating single floating balloon.

Russell, a narrative project by Giang Le


Kiana Lau


Jay Marin