Jay Marin

Jay Marin is a conceptual lifestyle and portrait photographer based in the GTA. He is inspired by natural elements, distinctive lighting, and surrealism. Jay approaches each project with a sense of curiosity and humour, which frequently reveals itself in his images. Over the last year he has been exploring the concept of beauty, juxtaposing careful, stylized lighting with human characteristics and behaviours that are not typically seen.


Young woman in dark-rimmed glasses picking nose, wearing thick white sweater.
Bare feet, one with bandaged toe, held upward and pressed together like praying hands.
Closeup of young woman’s hands on head with bandage on tip of one finger.
Extreme closeup of person’s nose and open mouth with tongue folded up to show underneath.
Man’s bare chest with hand pulling at nipple hair.

Growing Pains, a photobook by Jay Marin


Giang Le


Britain McCubbin